Aegis Short Stroke Trigger for Ruger LC9s and EC9s Pistols
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Ratings and Reviews of Aegis Short Stroke Trigger for Ruger® LC9s® and EC9s® Pistols

Score: 4.88 (votes: 24)
Reviews: 15
Score: 4.88 (votes: 24)
Reviews: 15
Rating of votes (24)
Customer reviews
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  • Tim Brunner
    Jan 21, 2025, 19:00
    Wow, so much better than factory trigger !!!!! highly recommend and was pretty easy to assemble also
  • Vincent
    Feb 16, 2024, 18:13
    Love this trigger for my ec9s. Factory trigger is great but the curve of it just didn't vibe with me. The Galloway trigger is smooth, short and quality construction. Looks better too.
  • Duane
    Jan 24, 2024, 22:40
    We own several EC9s guns. The trigger would randomly hang (not move) on one of the guns. I installed this trigger and no more problem. The installation was made easy by watching the YouTube video on installing this trigger. Everything went together the first time. All dry fire operations were successful.

    Nicely done Galloway.
  • D. Meadows
    Apr 9, 2023, 17:50
    Aegis Short Stroke trigger is a great change for the LC9S. Red color looks great too.
  • Richard Wentz
    Dec 21, 2022, 16:43
    This trigger helped immensely. It takes a bit of the slack and does help with accuracy. If any complaints the safety trigger can give a little bite once in a while. I have zero regrets.
  • paul juliette
    Nov 26, 2022, 23:07
    I put this in one of our lc9s pistols. I have to say this work incredibly well. I put a mcarbo kit in another lc9s and am not impressed with the results. Actually tried the trigger with the mcarbo and this is definitely Not good or recommended. So I ordered two more triggers for the other two lc9s pistols.
  • Mike
    Oct 5, 2022, 09:47
    What a difference love this trigger. Installation was a breeze and love that the mag safety is gone.
  • Jack G
    Feb 24, 2022, 13:26
    For four years, I have loved my Ruger LC9s but I have hated the trigger. The movement of the safety blade in the trigger cuts my trigger finger making the pistol uncomfortable to shoot. And, the heavier trigger pull of the stock trigger only makes matters worse. The Galloway trigger solves both of these issues. Installation is straight forward, quick and easy.
  • Oliver Kramer
    Nov 6, 2021, 08:37
    Just got this trigger and installed it. Install was pretty straight forward although getting things lined up for reassembly was kind of a pita...I blame Ruger's design for that though. Your install video was great. The factory trigger on the LC9s was decent but this Aegis upgrade made it excellent. Nice consistent pull with a clean break and short reset. Also getting rid of that stupid mag safety was nice...there's no trigger wobble because the Aegis trigger is slightly wider than the factory one (to anyone reading this, if you just remove the mag safety and keep the factory trigger it will wobble side to side a little). Well done. I highly recommend this trigger for the LC9s. Money well spent, can't wait to hit the range.
  • Ricky
    Sep 14, 2021, 17:14
    I just got and installed my Aegis Short Stoke Trigger in my EC9s. I love the feel of it. So much better than the stock trigger. I'll right another review after I go to the range. I also love my Peacemaker Short Stroke trigger in my Ruger LCP 380. THANKS for the speedy delivery. I ordered on Saturday and received it on Tuesday. Thanks again, Ricky I also want to thank Brandon for the excellent installation video.