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Ratings and Reviews of Performance Spring Kit for Ruger LCP II 22lr Lite Rack Pistols
Customer reviews
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Alex S.Mar 25, 2024, 14:05This upgrade should be a requisite for all LCP 2 22LR models. Prior to the swap I had multiple failure to feed and failure to eject issues using good ammo (CCI). After the upgrade the pistol ran FLAWLESSLY, again with good ammo. I also deliberately ran in through bad ammo, and again there were problems but not with the good stuff. 300 rounds of CCI Mini Mag 40gr and not a single failure. This upgrade is not for the faint of heart however; the FCU is a MAJOR pain to remove and reseat in this model, and removing the factory hammer spring tested my sanity. Consider either sending your pistol to Galloway for the upgrade, or have a local gunsmith perform it.
Glen G.Apr 10, 2023, 18:021st outing with new LCPII .22 was frustrating with multiple fail to fires that appeared to be light strikes. As a former high level .22 Bullseye competitor I wrongly assumed all .22's ran as flawlessly as my competition guns. (I don't EVER remember a FTF during slow or rapid fire with my competition High Standard pistol and Eley match ammo over tens of thousands of rounds!) Anyway, imagine my disappointment with my new pocket pistol. A little online searching showed it's a "thing" with the LCP. Enter Galloway Precision. Turns out they're neighbors so I grabbed their LCPII .22 spring kit and put their install youtube video on slowmo/repeat next to my workbench. Done! Test fired a couple hundred rounds. ZERO malfunctions of ANY kind. ZERO! Ya'll have made a pistol I almost regretted buying into my trusted new favorite gun. Thanks neighbor!
DavidFeb 6, 2023, 10:33Great upgrade for the LCP II, now 100% with everything I tried in it.
CCI Mini-Mag, CCI segmented, CCI stingers, CCI standard velocity, Aguila HP, and CCI tactical. More than worth the price and install is not that hard. -
Walt WhiteOct 14, 2022, 14:36Extremely helpful video. I ran it at about 75% speed which helped my old eyes see and comprehend better. There were a few views where the assembly was below the camera, and I had to guess what was going on. Otherwise, a very informative video with helpful and humorous dialogue. Thanks Brandyn.
Bryan JohnsonMay 4, 2022, 16:26Don’t waste time reading reviews and dragging your feet, just add it to the cart!
Ruger should’ve made this the stock setup, I had a dozen FTF, a couple of stovepipes and FTE in 200 rounds of Aguila HV after fully cleaning it, I shot another 200 from the same box and 100 mini mags today with no problems whatsoever. I didn’t consider this one of the duds at the time, I just wanted to upgrade my new range toy and it’s made a night and day difference!
It’s a little nerve wracking breaking open a brand new $350 investment with a cheap punch set and a block of wood with a towel on it but if I can figure it out in less than an hour so can you! I bent the hammer spring hook to remove it when the pin was stubborn, otherwise this was a super simple install. As a side note, I’ve seen a few firing pins break online so I’ve been avoiding dry firing with the extra power.
While you’re in there toss in a Sigurd trigger and be ready to burn up all of your ammo because this little guy is a blast when it’s working correctly! -
Jeremy FrederickMar 13, 2022, 11:33I like many others was dissatisfied with the failures to fire of my lcp2 new out of the box. Being it fit my carry needs to a T other than reliability issues so i really wanted it to work. Did some reading and found some people had good luck with this spring kit. So i ordered one and installed it. It made a night and day difference. It is amazing what 10% difference in a few spring tensions made. This lcp 2 is now one of the most reliable firearms i own short of a few dud rounds out of the bulk loose pack ammo problems typical to 22. This thing eats everything ive fed it 100% reliable. This is now my daily carry gun i always have on me if im clothed. Thank you so much for putting this kit out here for us. I tell anyone i find with an lcp2 about it. I legitimately just created this account so i could post this comment on here.
Dennis PourciauFeb 5, 2022, 18:50I was ready to take this LCPII .22 to the pawn shop & take a big loss on this $300 paper weight. I'm glad I saw your video & got the spring kit. It has made all the difference in the world. I have run mag after mag slow fire, rapid fire. No more light primer strikes or failures. It has functioned properly & reliably. This is the fun pistol that I wanted. No Thanks to Ruger, but much thanks to Galloway Precision.
David BurchNov 2, 2021, 08:27I was pretty disappointed in my LCP II .22. Lots of smokestack FTE, and a disconcerting number of FTF -- the slide closed on an empty chamber, or the firing pin strike failed to discharge a chambered cartridge. After installing this set of springs, these problems disappeared. The two types of ammo I commonly use suddenly started working reliably. I also polished the feed ramp using a fine Flitz-type polish on a Q-tip inserted in the chuck of my Dremel tool (no metal removed, just polished). Combined with the Galloway trigger, these mods have made the little pistol much more trustworthy.
Steven ToussaintOct 26, 2021, 15:54Fairly easy to change out the spring set, only issue was dropping a pin which rolled off. 1:20hr job with 1hr spent looking for the pin. couple of days left before I get to test out the new springs at the range, but testing with dryfire rounds has had great success. Definite solid feel to it. Will see how it does before i order the trigger.
Matthew EdwardsNov 29, 2020, 15:17This LCP 2 Lite rack spring kit was absolutely worth every penny.
My LCP 2 lite rack went from a 30% ftf rate with some ammo to a 100% successful fire rate with 7 different brands of .22 lr ammo.
I know there will be rounds that ftf due to the nature of .22 lr.
But I was really beginning to question things until I put the Galloway springs in the gun.
The dent in the rim of spent casings will tell you everything you need to know.
As for extraction, in a blow back operated pistol the spent gasses push the empty case out of the chamber and the ejector chucks it clear.
The extractor itself has only one job; to removed UNFIRED cartridges from the chamber.
Ruger's instructions are to REMOVE THE MAGAZINE before attemting to operate the slide to unload a live round.
Now I made the mistake of trying to empty the chamber with the magazine in place too.
This almost always results in fte and it isn't the extractors fault in that case.
The Lite Rack wasn't designed to cycle a magazine full of live rpunds manually through the gun.
It was designed to load live rounds, eject spent casings, and extract duds AFTER the magazine has been removed.
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