Einar Short Stroke Trigger for Springfield Armory XDS Pistols
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Ratings and Reviews of Einar Short Stroke Trigger for Springfield Armory XDS Pistols

Score: 4.67 (votes: 9)
Reviews: 6
Score: 4.67 (votes: 9)
Reviews: 6
Rating of votes (9)
Customer reviews
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  • Curtis s.
    Aug 2, 2021, 00:15
    Good trigger, I think the finish could be a little bit better. I’m used to metal flat triggers as used on my xdm (fat daddy flat triggers) install was reasonable, but I used to be a Springfield armory armorer. I have not fired any rnds yet (ammo is expensive currently) but I will be recommending my local gun shop (m82 armory) to be stocking these if possible.
  • Kirk N
    Jul 6, 2021, 14:51
    I was a little bit skeptical when I first inspected the trigger upon arrival. The finish was not as smooth and polished as I expected, and there was some roughness on the face of the trigger itself. After a few hundred rounds downrange and a lot of dry fire practice, it has smoothed out nicely. As long as the durability is there, it's quite a bargain upgrade. I agree that the videos were a bit hard to follow, but anyone with basic mechanical aptitude should be able to get it done with some patience. This trigger plus the spring kit really transform the dynamics -- shoots so well that I can't justify trading the pistol for one of the newer designs with more capacity.
  • Drew D
    Dec 10, 2020, 01:34
    I installed the spring kit and the Einar trigger in my XDS mod 2, and I can't believe how good it is. Love the feel of the straight trigger blade, and breaks exactly at 4.5 lbs every time (same as my Kimber that's had a trigger job). I'm blown away I could get this trigger performance out of a striker-fire. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone!
    One side note: installation was kind of difficult. The video helped a lot. But dude in the video needs to slow down for us non-professionals. Also, be aware, the extractor set up is totally different on an XDS mod 2 from the original XDS in the video. However, I got the installation done, so not at all insurmountable.

    If you have an XDS, buy the spring package and Einar trigger. They're amazing!
  • Logan
    Mar 12, 2020, 14:14
    I bought this a couple weeks ago and finally got around to installing it. GREAT trigger. Very comfortable and a much improved design over the stock XDs trigger. If you're looking to improve your XDs trigger, this really is the only way to go. The Galloway folks went out of their way to answer all of my questions before I purchased this which made this all a nice experience. Thanks!
  • Slayde Wilcoxon
    Mar 6, 2020, 18:15
    Ordered this trigger, it was in my mailbox in 4 days. Installed immediately. Looks cool, and feels good. This paired with the spring kit does the job and does it well.
  • Matt
    Feb 21, 2020, 18:58
    There are not many options when it comes to aftermarket triggers for the XDS, the options that do exist are heavily marked up but when I found this trigger I was skeptical because of the price however after watching a video I decided to grab one and I am not disappointed. This simple trigger has completely changed my gun to where it feels like a new one, follow up shots are a breeze and it requires such a light squeeze that I found huge smile on my face at the range.
    Installation isn’t too hard but take your time and watch a video/read up if you’re new to it.

    Grab this trigger before the price goes up!