Asmund Short Stroke Trigger for Taurus G2c, G2s, PT111 G2, and Millennium G2 Pistols
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Ratings and Reviews of Asmund Short Stroke Trigger for Taurus G2c, G2s, PT111 G2, and Millennium G2 Pistols

Score: 4.84 (votes: 19)
Reviews: 9
Score: 4.84 (votes: 19)
Reviews: 9
Rating of votes (19)
Customer reviews
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  • Moises Feliciano
    Feb 28, 2025, 21:03
    Love it this trigger really make a difference. took me half hours to do. It was fast and easy. You don’t have the long travel trigger
  • Darren L
    Feb 14, 2025, 09:49
    Exceptional Upgrade to the Taurus G2 Series. I have since put this trigger on every G2 I own.
  • Patrick McGregor
    Oct 26, 2022, 02:05
    Fast shipping. Excellent value. I am not going to sugar coat the install work--took me about three hours without the proper tools. Trigger is now fantastic! It is now pure joy to shoot my G2c. My last word: Get the tools.
  • Christain C Clarke
    Feb 22, 2022, 18:51
    My new Asmund short stroke trigger for my G2c arrived today. I watched the installation video again for the tenth time in 3 days. Then I went to work, had the video going as I disassembled my pistol. It went pretty smooth. Now to install the new trigger, (video still going) this is where it got a little tuff, (fingers don't work so good anymore, 75 yrs. old), Did some work, then watch more of the video, more work and so on. When the dust settled, I was all done. Everything worked like in the video. It took me just over 2 hours to change out the triggers. Next came the live fire test, went to my range loaded up and Blamo! No problems, I could aim take up the slack then squeeze the round off. Did this several times, then went to rapid fire, worked perfect. I am totally pleased with my Taurus G2c, the way it works now. If you own a G2, G2c and you are not happy with it give this Asmund trigger a try. Make sure that you have all the tools needed for the job, the video tells you what you will need. I give this trigger 5 stars, and I recommend this trigger to all of you unhappy Taurus G2 owners!
  • Robert Loomis
    Oct 3, 2020, 20:30
    I installed this trigger on a, PT140 Millennium G2, and while it wasn't exactly, "plug & play" it was good enough to turn my O.E.M. P.O.S. into a keeper. I took the extra time to gently sand, and polish the machine marks off of the parts that engage the trigger mechanism. After installing this awesome, Galloway Asmund trigger, and I got the single action trigger weight down to about 6.5# when all was said and done. The whole project turned this boat anchor into a preferred CCW.
  • Anthony Leon
    May 26, 2020, 19:32
    Love the trigger on my G2S. I would recommend this trigger and any Galloway's items to all.
  • Donald Clark
    Apr 1, 2020, 07:56
    Got the Taurus G2S a few weeks ago and didn't care for the trigger so looked into Galloway and found the Asmond trigger for this pistol. Received it yesterday and following their DIY video was able to install it in 45 min. Love the new trigger. (Also installed a GP trigger in my Ruger Security 9 and it's great.). Great company.
  • James Geus
    Nov 26, 2019, 10:19
    I bought one of these triggers for my G2S. The feel and function is leaps and bounds better than the stock trigger. The reliability of the trigger is amazing. For the price, you can't afford to not do it.
  • Dan Ihle
    Nov 17, 2019, 18:20
    I watched the video quite a few times before attempting the installation. A little tricky but like anything else now that I’ve done it if I had to do it again it would not be too bad. Absolutely worth the money and time, it took a mediocre pistol and made it an excellent pistol. It shoots so much better then before, the bump in the travel is gone, it has a noticeably shorter travel and improved reset imo.