Optic Mount Plate Screws

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Sold in pairs.


  • $5.00 USD
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Extra Optic Mount Screws

Lost or in need of additional Standard Thread Optic Mount Plate Screws? We've got you covered. Screws for mounting your optic to our Standard thread plate are sold in pairs and you have the choice of (2) 6-32 x 5/16 Hex Flat Head Cap Screws, (2) 6-32 x 3/8 Hex Button Head Cap Screws, or (2) 6-32 x 1/2 Hex Flat Head Cap Screws. 

We also have available in pairs the set screws for mount our Optic Mount Plate to your Slide in (2) 8-32 x 3/16 Socket Set Screw or (2) M2 x .5 x 5m machine screw.

*** Extra screws for mounting your Optic to our Optic Mount Plate are for our Standard thread plates only. If your Optic Mount Plate is engraved with M4-7 TH it is Metric and these screws will not work for that plate. The extra screws for mounting our Optic Mount Plate to your slide will work for both the Metric plates and the Standard thread plates. ***

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*** Screws are not returnable. ***


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