Denny Wilson
Dec 31, 2024, 19:36
Wow what a difference this spring kit made.Bought my wife the 856 ul body guard for Christmas, and she was like others after about 2 to 3 shots she was handing it back to me,said the trigger was so hard she couldn't shoot anymore. Well you take a New gun and shoot it ,and then go back to trade for something else you will take a beating on trade in. I saw this kit and decided to try it, the price was great and about 30min of installing, took it for the wife to shoot.She had a big smile on her face after first shot, said Wow what ever you done sure made a world of difference ,no more hard stiff trigger. Thanks guys,saved me alot of money and having to trade for something else. Most folks I talked with said nothing you can do for a revolver, but these guys at Galloway sure made a difference in this kit,I would Highly recommend this kit for anyone wanting a much easier trigger pull. Thanks Again..
Apr 20, 2024, 13:03
WOW, that's what I said as soon as I finished the upgrade with your reduced power, spring kit for my Taurus 856, Ultra-Lite! I Had a feeling it would be really good, however the action now (in BOTH D/A & S/A) exceeds even my (perfectionist & hypersensitive) expectations, HANDS DOWN (& honey, that AIN'T easy to do)!
I didn't just go from stock springs to the galloway set, I installed a set in between! So, if you read this entire review, it will help you to have even a deeper understanding of just how valuable, the Galloway Spring Set truly is!
The Galloway Spring Set GREATLY improves the ease of use of the firearm, not only compared to the stock springs but, even over the competition! In other words, it enabled my Taurus 856ULVL (Ultra-Lite with Viridian Laser Handle) to now perform like a FAR MORE EXPENSIVE firearm, and that's a REAL GOOD THING!
I HIGHLY Recommend the Galloway Spring Sets for your firearms as they are made out of MUCH BETTER Material (which is FAR MORE suitable for this purpose) than the competitor's sets and here's why...
The Galloway Springs are made of "Chrome Silica Wire" (which is actual spring wire) and not "Music Wire" like the other companies use for their spring sets. I learned this while speaking to Galloway's tech (thank you, Eric!) before purchasing the Galloway Springs and after installing a set from the competition. This is VERY IMPORTANT, as I got to experience BOTH up close, for myself!
The music wire (competitor's material) has a very stiff & tough feel to them (not-at-all suitable for the purpose of trying to improve mechanical action) where the Galloway Springs have a softer or "gummier" feel to them when handling with your fingers, yet because they are steel (Chrome Silica) they maintain their integrity, 100%, EXTREMELY well! So, the Galloways are a lighter yet FAR MORE precision engineered spring! You can feel all of what I'm saying with your fingers and see it with the naked eye, if you have both sets in front of you!
Well, I got to do that (go from stock springs to a competitor's set, to the Galloway set) AND write this review AND those of you who are lucky enough to see this, you won't have to "reinvent the wheel"! You can just go straight for the Galloway Springs & be done & live happily ever after with your new & GREATLY improved firearm!
To sum it all up; (1) - The Galloway Spring Set is slightly higher in price because of the fact that the material is mechanically SUPERIOR to the competitor's springs (& LIGHT YEARS beyond the stock springs, believe me, "BEEN THERE, DONE THAT" in BOTH cases!). BUT, you gotta ask yourself this one, almighty question: "Is my life, & the life of my family, worth like an extra ten bux?". Never mind, if you find yourself even having to ask yourself that question, then you need to sell ALL of your guns and take up needlepoint, my friend!
(2) - Then theres the fact that, the Galloway Spring Sets not only makes firing in D/A, INSANELY FAST, it has also ELIMINATED my hand fatigue!!! Now, it's like a cool breeze to use my 856!!! I can fire this weapon all day long and not even feel it (with the stock springs, I quit at the range after ONLY 24-30 rounds, NO BULL!!!). I then switched to my semi-auto to give my hand a break!!! Now, try single action, WOOOOO-WEEEEE!!! It's like going from mixing Sakrete & gravel by hand with a shovel (stock & competitor springs) to pouring warm, liquid butter (the Galloway Springs)!
So, there you have it, that's my review & I'm stickin' to it! Good Luck!!!